How A Local Construction Company Is Growing With Peñasquito.

Peñasquito contractors Suppliers : perseverance leads to success!
When Global Construmining began to provide its services to the mining company located in Mazapil, it required 20 people. Eight years have passed and it now employs 140 people.
Is it difficult to be a supplier to one of the world's largest mines?
The mining company opens its doors to Local Suppliers , but it is necessary to improve the proposals, as well as to insist. Once inside, we must not neglect to continue being collaborators, shared Ricardo Ríos Robledo, director of Global Construmining.
When he took his proposal the first time he was not hired; he had to go around again, a third time, a fourth time... It wasn't until the 34th attempt that he won a bid.
His construction, earthmoving and heavy machinery rental company has since sought to improve its services. "It's up to you if you stay in," he said, noting that a number of requirements must be met for a company that manages high quality international standards.
Ricardo Ríos recalled that when he went to the mine with businessmen Suppliers at the invitation of Peñasquito, several were discouraged because they had to compete with large companies. His case was no exception, as he had to compete in the bids with "monsters" of companies in his sector.
Global Construmining has expanded its client portfolio, as working at Peñasquito is a strong reference point for generating confidence in other mining companies in the state that require similar services. "Over time, doing the job well allows us to grow along with the mine, which, unlike other clients, pays on time, offers better working conditions and salaries, and encourages improvement." Ricardo Ríos, director of Global Construmining, also affirms that "without Peñasquito, Zacatecas would be a different place economically speaking; it is an important generator of the Gross Domestic Product".